Indoor Classes in Your Home

These can be controlled by yourself and you can set the safety parameters when I am there teaching with you.  I need only unroll my mat and teach without touching any surfaces.  


Public Indoor Classes

These only take place when COVID restrictions and venue  guidelines permit and are strictly regulated in terms of pre and post cleaning, rigorous distancing, and air flow.  Prebooking is required plus COVID App and hard-copy sign-in to assist track & trace.


I now offer Zoom lessons for groups and private classes and you can join from anywhere in the UK.

For those who are new to ZOOM, it is an interactive educational learning platform where students can participate verbally and audibly simply by downloading the Zoom programme and logging in to your invitation to the class. 


Please do not be concerned by the technical side of things once I have explained and demonstrated  how it works it is simple and just as if we are face-to-face. However for those who are not keen being visual to other students the added benefit of Zoom is that you can choose the option of only being visual to your teacher. 

All ZOOM classes must be pre-booked and paid for remotely. PRIVATE ZOOM CLASSES AVAILABLE.


Outdoor Classes

The summmers of 2020 and 2021 resulted in numerous outdoor classes. Outdoor sessions can be held in gardens, on the beach or nature reserve, or at a secluded park or common grassy area. 

Distancing is clearly not a problem and weather permitting the whole outside  experience can be safe, invigorating and uplifting.

Weather pemitting and with the agreement of everyone some indoor classes are moved to outside locations.